Smoke vents are used on roofs of retail, commercial, and educational buildings to alleviate smoke caused by fires. Smoke vents have a fusible link on them that are attached to cables which hold the spring loaded doors down. When the heat inside the building rises, the fusible link melts at the set temperature, the doors open allowing the smoke to escape.

Each manufacture has their own line of smoke vents. Although manufactured to meet different needs, the underlying operation is the same. A list of different ways they’re manufactured is as follows:

  • Galvanized Steel & Aluminum
  • Curb Mounted & Self-Flashing
  • Metal Topped & Skylight Topped
  • Acoustical & Non-Acoustical
  • Louvered & Non-Louvered
  • With & Without Winches
  • From 48″ x 48″ to 60″ x 240″

A few options:

Self-Flashing Acoustical
Self-Flashing Metal Top
Curb Mount Skylight Top

Smoke vent safety products:

Babcock Davis - 2 Sided Railing
2 Sided SV Guard Rail
4 Sided SV Guard Rail
Babcock Davis - Security Bars
SV Burglar Bars